Coconut ( is a variant of Python built for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
Coconut is developed on GitHub and hosted on PyPI. Installing Coconut is as easy as opening a command prompt and entering:
after which the entire world of Coconut will be at your disposal. To help you get started, check out these links for more information about Coconut:
- Tutorial: If you’re new to Coconut, a good place to start is Coconut’s straightforward, easy-to-follow tutorial.
- Documentation: If you’re looking for info about a specific feature, check out Coconut’s comprehensive documentation.
- FAQ: If you have questions about who Coconut is built for and whether or not you should use it, Coconut’s frequently asked questions have you covered.
- Create a New Issue: If you’re having a problem with Coconut, creating a new issue detailing the problem will allow it to be addressed as soon as possible.
- Gitter: For any questions, concerns, or comments about anything Coconut-related, ask around at Coconut’s Gitter, a GitHub-integrated chat room for Coconut developers.
- Releases: Want to know what’s been added in recent Coconut versions? Check out the release log for all the new features and fixes.
Note: If the above documentation links are not working, try the mirror .